C-Suite Training and Advisory ServicesC- Suite Advisory
We assemble teams of experienced successful executives who align with your organization and serve as a confidential and personal on-going advisory board, delivering insights to key industry trends and issues. We serve as an impartial third-party sounding board for your ideas. This industry intelligence and networking improves your strategic decision-making and overall performance
We understand the importance of high impact executives within your business to implement strategy and achieve deliverables. We do a complete breakdown of our client’s brief and thinking to understand the nuances of the company, its strategy, its needs, as well as key deliverables of the executive. Our on-going advisory services are offered via a retainer relationship that typically includes:
- Strategy sessions with the C-Suite Resources principals.
- A state of the industry presentation by C-Suite Resources
- Change Management Initiates
- A strategy update with one or more of the C-Suite Resources principals with an agenda of your choosing.
Strategic and Annual Performance Planning
We are Strategic Planning Specialists. Our track record in facilitating Strategic and Annual Performance Plans is exceptional. PMC’s strategic planning process helps organizations clarify their goals and start the process of working toward those goals in a meaningful manner. With our comprehensive methodology, businesses can benefit from well set goals and objectives. With personalized, hands-on approaches, PMC guarantees unique solutions for every business, eliciting the best results possible in both the short and long-term.
C-Suite Training
Building strategic forward thinking leadership teams, developing a customer and employee centric organization, retaining and inspiring top talent, nurturing an inclusive and innovative work environment is what we stand for. Some of the key training that every C-Suite member must be exposed to are;
Programmes |
Advanced Corporate Governance Programme |
Executive Intelligence Programme |
Advanced Strategic Planning for Directors |
Authentic Leadership |
Risk Management for Directors |
Ready to discuss the challenges confronting your team?
It all starts with a simple conversation to evaluate how we can help overcome the obstacles to your success.
Facilitator Profile
Kim Andersen
Global Board and Strategy Consultant
Kim Andersen is a renowned global board and strategy consultant. She has been an integral part of the Mauritius Institute of Directors since before its inception and is a founding Fellow of the MIoD. Kim is a certified master trainer and on Corporate Governance from the Global Corporate Governance Forum, an arm of the IFC. Kim is also a certified Ethics Officer, Trainer and Advisor accredited with Ethics SA. In Mauritius she is most known for her board advisory and consultation services which includes independent board evaluations, governance evaluations, director development training and producing annual reports. Kim is a certified Ethics Advisor with Ethics SA. She is a founding fellow of the MIoD, a member of the IoD SA, Ethics SA and COMMENSA, the Coaching and Mentoring Association of South Africa. Kim lectures the MBA class at the University of Mauritius on Ethics and governance, leadership and communication training to the faculty at senior management level at the UoM Business School. She offers organisational development services to a number of top Mauritian companies. She is the recipient of the Service Ambassadors Award in South Africa and is a recognised expert in corporate governance. Kim is married and has four adult children.
Dr Tawafadza Anold Makoni
Strategist and Corporate Governance Consultant
Dr Tawafadza Anold Makoni is an experienced strategist and corporate governance consultant and trainers, leadership development practitioner, corporate strategist and consultant, ordained and experienced church leader, retired dental practitioner, published author and experienced businessman. Dr Makoni has and continues to sit as chairman for the following boards: Board Chair of First Mutual Health, Chairman of Maranatha Christian University, Zimbabwe, Executive Chairman and owner of GreatRelief. His past board positions were at Chairman of Celebration Churches International (2012- Jan 2020) has been responsible for managing 140 churches in 12 nations, Served as Executive Chair and main shareholder of General Steel and Construction (GENSCO), a major Steel fabricating factory, ReNaissance Merchant Bank, First Mutual Life and Health, First Mutual Reinsurance Property and Casualty, Eleco, Brownstone Insurance and AgVentures. He has lectured MBAs at University of Gloucestershire (UK), Nottingham Business School and Great Zimbabwe University. Dr Makoni is Certified Director, IoDSA, has Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA), Masters in Business Administration (MBA with Distinction), Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) and Masters in Theology, (MTh). He has published 6 books.
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